Sunday, November 3, 2013

Nikola Tesla's research

Nikola Tesla was a very great man, he was from Austrian Empire, born on July 10 1856, and died on January 7 

1945 in NewYork.  He was an electrical engineer, mechanical engineer, physicist, and futurist.  He is best know 

for his contributions to the design of the modern alternating current, electricity supply systems, and considered 

one of the greatest engineers in the States.  On July 20 1891, at the age of 35 he became an American citizen, 

he thought that being an American in more important then those science rewards, because by that time America 

was the most powerful country in the world.  In 1984, he starte to investigate radiant energy, which helped him 

earn lots of money and fame.  Tesla’s invention were fully used in the WWII, and it totality changed the life we 

live today.  The movie Frankenstein was based upon his discover of the electric current.  I think he is a great 

man, because he invented so many things and he also make our lives much easier and more convenient. 

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